
Sunday, December 8, 2013

SP#6: Unit K Concept 10 - Find Sums of Infinite Geometric Series

Make sure you pay close attention to what numbers to plug into each part of the formula. I tried my best to color code it, so it is easier to follow along. Also, don't forget about that whole number! Adding it to the last part of your problem is what gives you your final answer.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Fibonacci Beauty Ratio (Extra Credit)

Stephanie V. 
Foot to Navel: 99 cm   Navel to top of Head: 63 cm   Ratio: 99/63=1.571 cm 
Navel to chin: 45 cm                      chin to top of head: 23 cm       Ratio:45/23=1.957 cm 
Knee to navel: 53 cm                      Foot to knee: 52 cm                Ratio: 53/52=1.019 cm 

Average: 1.516 cm

Helena C. 
Foot to Navel: 102 cm   Navel to top of Head: 66 cm   Ratio: 102/66=1.545 cm 
Navel to chin: 45 cm                      chin to top of head: 22 cm       Ratio:45/22=2.045 cm 
Knee to navel: 56 cm                      Foot to knee: 45 cm                Ratio: 56/45=1.244 cm 

Average: 1.611 cm

Joshua N. 
Foot to Navel: 102 cm   Navel to top of Head: 67 cm   Ratio: 102/67.=1.522 cm 
Navel to chin: 45 cm                      chin to top of head: 23 cm       Ratio: 45/23= 1.957 cm 
Knee to navel: 61 cm                      Foot to knee: 47 cm                Ratio: 61/47=1.300 cm 

Average: 1.629 cm

Rodolfo R. 
Foot to Navel: 100 cm   Navel to top of Head: 64 cm   Ratio: 100/64 =1.563 cm 
Navel to chin: 46 cm                      chin to top of head: 25 cm       Ratio:46/25=  1.840 cm 
Knee to navel: 54 cm                      Foot to knee: 46 cm                Ratio: 54/46=1.174 cm 

Average: 1.526 cm

Christine N. 
Foot to Navel: 96 cm   Navel to top of Head: 60 cm   Ratio: 96/60= 1.6 cm 
Navel to chin: 42 cm                      chin to top of head: 22 cm       Ratio: 42/22= 1.909 cm 
Knee to navel: 51 cm                      Foot to knee: 45 cm                Ratio: 51/45= 1.133 cm 

Average: 1.547 cm

According to Fibonacci's Beauty Ratio test, Helena C was the most beautiful person I measured. Her measurements were but 0.007 away from the Golden Ratio. Her ratios included: 1.545, 2.045, and 1.244 cm which averaged to 1.611.  I believe the Beauty Ratio is a huge disclaimer because the friends I measured besides Helena were beauty to me as well. Yes, Josh and Rodolfo, too!  However, it did show how proportional parts of our body can be, and that is what makes it stand out to others.  True beauty comes from within; some show their beauty more than others. But as I've said before in my haiku, we are all ugly.